Thursday, January 14, 2010

Appengine + Django 1.1

So i got past my previous post with a different cell phone number. Now I know getting an appengine account is a more difficult than most online accounts. It makes sense too given free website hosting is at stake.

Anyhow, after a short time i was able to get django 1.1 up and running on appengine. For a little clarity, this provides all the glory of django templates,, middleware, forms, settings. But because of the big table db implementation of appengine, the admin tool, auth, session, and anything else built-in and dependent on django models will not work.

I found some other blogs that were close, but none of the step by steps worked for me. I followed instructions found at goole python libraries - django.

Since i learn best from code, I checked a basic project into github that i'll continue to update on git as i make updates.

Browse the code on git.

1 comment:

  1. another part I struggled with is that app engine launcher only uses python 2.5 even if you upgraded --
